In this modern technological arena smart gadget rule over your life. Just think from morn till night you are connected with your smart device in every step of life. People nowadays do not even use a watch to see the timing cause it can be seen on the smart screen. What kind of apps mostly used by the users? Social apps, music apps, dating apps, gaming apps, picture edit apps, health apps, social security apps, e-commerce apps, location or device track apps and so on. When people are so much engaged with apps definitely industry needs a lot of talented developers in their grasp and multinationals and industry giants already run to achieve them too.

After seeing the market demand and need for skilled developers GSTech BD, the ultimate IT professional platform has decided to launch a world-class skill training program in Apps Development. Come to Achieve the best career as a developer you ever dreamt of with CITI, where the dream comes to reality and success continues.


  • Introduction to Java Programming
  • Language Fundamentals
  • Core Collection Classes
  • Packages
  • Exception Handling
  • Android Components
  • Content providers & Location services
  • Multimedia & Deployment


  • Android Studio
  • Netbeans


  • Understand the Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) with Java SE.
  • Understand the Android OS architecture.
  • Install and use appropriate tools for Android development, including IDE, device emulator, and profiling tools
  • Understand the Android application architecture, including the roles of the task stack, activities, and services
  • Build user interfaces with fragments, views, form widgets, text input, lists, tables,
  • Use advanced UI widgets for scrolling, tabbing, and layout control.
  • Present menus via the Android action bar and handle menu selections.
  • Store application data on the mobile device, in internal or external storage
  • locations


  • Android Application Developer
  • Java Application Developer
  • Framework Designer
  • Soft. Arch. Dev
  • UI/UX Developer